Diana Rodgers

Diana Rodgers, @sustainabledish
Diana Rodgers, RD is a licensed registered dietitian nutritionist, who is on a mission to help individuals and their families, best understand their own personal journey and relationship with food. By means of one-on-one consults and workshops, Diana further extends her knowledge via her Instagram platform @sustainabledish. A sustainability advocate, she further merges her practice to champion both a nutrient dense diet in combination with living sustainably. Host of The Sustainable Dish Podcast and co-author/director of the Sacred Cow project, Diana additionally spends her time speaking at universities and conferences on the subjects of nutrition, sustainability, social justice, animal welfare and food policy issues.
Diana gained a certification in Nutritional Therapy from the Nutritional Therapy Association. Having learnt how to finally balance her food cravings by reducing irritating foods, she was further able to stabilize her blood sugar, limit the headaches she would experience between meals, all while her athletic performance ameliorated. No longer did she feel as though her daily thoughts revolved around the food she would consume, her next meal, or the health consequences she would or could encounter.
Now helping a community of thousands find inner peace, she shares her knowledge on and supports people with weight, metabolic, and intestinal issues. All while practicing a harmoniously sustainable and healthy way of life, she continues to find purpose in sharing her wealth of knowledge in helping others recover their health and happiness through diet and lifestyle changes.
To learn more about Diana and the sustainable and healthy practices she encourages, you can further visit the Sustainable Dish website.